Sea Shepherd Videos

Learn about Sea Shepherd, the threats to the ocean, the marine wildlife and life aboard our ships.

For more videos subscribe to the Sea Shepherd Youtube channel.

Sea Shepherd

Defend Conserve Protect
Our mission to defend the ocean

Sea Shepherd – For the Ocean
A brief view of the issues Sea Shepherd is tackling

Catch of the Day 2050
As fish disappear the ocean fills with plastic, by 2050 the catch of the day could look like this.

Neptune’s Navy – Protecting our Oceans since 1977
A brief animated history of the Sea Shepherd fleet

Marine Wildlife

Humpback calf plays with dolphins in Revillagigedo Islands

Humpback whale calf nursing in the Revillagigedo Archipelago

Dolphin encounter in the Bay of Biscay

Blue whales in the Southern Ocean

Ocean Threats

Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated Fishing
Operation Tuvalu
Working with the government of Tuvalu to tackle illegal fishing activity

What is Purse Seine Fishing?
Learn about purse seine fishing and how by-catch occurs

Arrest of the Labiko 2
See what a shark poaching operation looks like – targeting shark fins and shark liver oil

Ocean Pollution
Removing plastic from turtle nesting beaches in Cabo Verde
Fishing gear is a big issue for nesting turtles and hatchlings

Sea Shepherd Fleet

360 Tour of the Bob Barker
Join crew member Zoe on a tour of the Bob Barker

A virtual tour of the Allankay
Take a tour of the Allankay the newest ship to join the Sea Shepherd Global fleet.

Women at Sea
From officers, to engineers, to cooks and deckhands, women can fill any role on our ships. Our volunteers come from all types of backgrounds and from all over the world

Deck Team
Operation Relentless – Meet the deck team and see what they do each day on campaign

Take Action for the Oceans!

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