Welcome to Sea Shepherd’s education program

Sea Shepherd is a marine conservation organisation with over 40 years of direct action defending the ocean and the marine wildlife.

Through Sea Shepherd Education we provide you with resources to teach students about the importance of the ocean ecosystem and the threats it is facing. Through our campaigns you can see these issues and empower students to take action.

Sea Shepherd Online Learning

Sea Shepherd Education has available a range of free teaching materials and activities for school students. These include lessons on illegal fishing, poaching, ocean pollution, captivity and several marine species, along with real life case studies from our campaigns.

Teachers or home schooling groups can access the platform for free.

Lessons are available in English, Dutch, Italian, Portuguese and Greek, with more languages to come.

Featured Lesson

This lesson is the first in a series of six that answers the question as a Global Citizen 'How does eating fish impact others?'

Ocean Issues – Abandoned, Lost and Discarded Fishing Gear

One issue contributing to marine wildlife deaths and to plastic pollution in the ocean is abandoned, lost and discarded (ALD) fishing gear from commercial fishing vessels.

These nets are also referred to as ‘ghost’ nets, because they float in the ocean for years to come and continues to haunt and kill all marine wildlife in it’s way.

Each year over 640,000 tonnes of commercial fishing gear finds its way into the ocean.

Hundreds of thousands of marine animals and sea birds are killed each year by ghostnets.

For more information on this topic see Sea Shepherd Education’s online lesson Abandoned, Lost and Discarded Fishing Gear.

Sea Shepherd in Action

Defending Europe's largest marine sanctuary

Illegal Trawlers Caught Inside Europe’s Largest Marine Sanctuary!

The Alonissos’ National Marine Park is protected by strict laws banning trawling to safeguard its rich ecosystem, ancient artifacts, and cultural heritage. Despite this, rogue trawlers continue to sneak in and threaten this precious haven.

Sea the Facts - Research Topics

With so many issues impacting the ocean, it is hard to know where to start.

Here are some Sea Facts you may not know.

These can be used to inspire research topics for students.

Our learning platform has lessons to help support these topics.

Contact Sea Shepherd Education

For more information or assistance with lessons and resources contact Sea Shepherd Education via:

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